Tilak – The Hindu Symbol

Tilak is considered a mandate in Hinduism before beginning any new work, especially on special occasions. Wearing a tilak or bindi(for women) not only serves to decorate the forehead in an auspicious way, but it also serves as a reminder that, above all other forms of life, the human body is a priceless vessel that allows one to actively engage in spiritual pursuits. Because the body is what enables one to do selfless service, maintaining one's physical health should be regarded as a sacred activity.  Several Hindu scriptures describe tilak as a method of re-centering one's spiritual focus

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Saraswati Puja 2023

The spiritual meaning of the season denotes the end of the days of ignorance and the beginning of a new era. Goddess Saraswati, an emblem of tranquility and peace, bestows spiritual enlightenment upon her devotees on this day. Her four goddess-like hands stand for the brain, mind, attentiveness, and ego. She flies on a swan because, according to Hindu mythology, this bird has a curious ability to separate milk from water. Therefore, it suggests that a man who worships Saraswati should be able to distinguish between good and bad.

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